Ellie Perlman Interviews Mike Krieg
Today’s guest, Mike Krieg, knows and understands you can’t have a diverse portfolio and be an expert in every asset and every market. The...

Interview: Nodes of Value
Last week we had a very nice interview with Jim Reynolds from Nodes of Value. He has a very useful and informative website covering many...

Where Are We In the Real Estate Cycle?
One of the biggest questions today is about the real estate cycle. Where are we? While it's not possible to determine with pinpoint...

Lecture: The Finance of Syndications in Multifamily Real Estate
I recently had the opportunity to teach "The Finance of Syndications in Multifamily Real Estate" to Finance classes at the University of...

What's a Good Capitalization Rate For Real Estate Investments?
The following article was first posted on Bigger Pockets by our friend and partner Ben Leybovich Since prehistoric times, we humans have...

What is Riskier? Multifamily Apartments or Mutual Funds?
As investors, we are concerned with building wealth while taking on the least possible risk. The reason I invest in real estate is...

Cap Rates Compress Further In Tier II Cities
CBRE just came out with their Cap Rate Review for the first half of 2019. The numbers show that cap rates are continuing to compress...

Best Ever Podcast Features Mike Krieg
Mike’s real estate career started off a little unusual compared to most, as his first deal was in Russia. Moreover, his first deal was a...

Five Reasons We Love Investing in the Self Storage Business
I've always been pretty excited about self-storage investments. How many of us have driven by a self storage facility and wondered, "How...

The Fastest Growing Counties in America
The U.S. Census Bureau released information recently that demonstrates graphically where Americans are moving in the United States, and...