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Lecture: The Finance of Syndications in Multifamily Real Estate

I recently had the opportunity to teach "The Finance of Syndications in Multifamily Real Estate" to Finance classes at the University of Montana. It was a wonderful experience and so much fun to be back in my old stomping grounds and connect with current students. Thanks to Dr. Timothy Manuel for his invitation. I had a great time. I'm an alumnus of the Business school and studied finance. We did cover real estate but mostly covered mortgages and interest rates. To my knowledge we never covered commercial loan products or anything related to syndications and how they actually work. For this reason I was very eager to get back there and teach. It was so fulfilling to impart this information to such eager students. They were so interested in the material and I really enjoyed the experience and all of their questions. If given the chance, I'll definitely return to teach. One more thing I'll note, and this was very cool. While teaching, I looked out the window and it began to snow heavily. Mind you this was mid April. After teaching in the classes I walked out across the campus and the snow covered landscape was stunning! Classic Montana!

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